It’s about a year since we successfully renovated the Year 10/11 building of Dharmaraja college. Present principal Mr S.M.Keerthiratne has assigned a new task to our group by requesting to colour wash and renovate the Art Gallery of Dharmaraja College. It was donated by one of the outstanding old Rajans Mr Sunil Sirisena (Rtd chairman NSB and secretary – Ministry of Education) in 2010.
As an outstanding OBU group of our college we are capable of achieving this target with all the experience we had from Rs one million project of last year.
So far we have done the basic estimations and we need your generous support towards this as it is for our alma mater.
Bank account details of our group
Bank : Seylan Bank - Gampola BranchFor any further information on this project please feel free to contact
Account No : 025033536300001
Basnayake (Buzz) - 0777 618822, Mudannayake - 0718 357638, Anjula - 0777 875165
Stay tuned for more information..
May triple gems bless you!
The Request Letter from Principal
BOQ for this project is already prepared and it cost around Rs 550 000.00. The target is to complete the renovation prior to the 3rd school term begins. So we are kindly seeking your generous donations towards this. It is decided a bench mark value of Rs 5000.00 for group member and one can donate any amount regardless of the bench mark. Overseas members may donate some higher value as it will ease the burden and help us complete it with success.
Bill of Quantity of the project prepared by our member Anil Mudannayake

Day 02
Removing fungi on walls
Photo credit : Indika Bandara Basnayake (Rajans 94)
The renovation works continued to the 17th day on 2015-9-6. It was a huge task to restore this precious building into the pristine condition within a very short period. Our group members really work hard on this while everyone has done what they can. Just like the previous projects the support of our overseas members was outstanding.
Photo credit : Indika Bandara Basnayake (Rajans 94)
Last updated on 6/09/2015
lets do this buzzz
Great work
Nice. keep on going
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