The 10th Annual Cricket Match of Rajans OBU Group of 94 was held on 15th December 2012 at Agricultural Services' Grounds - Gannoruwa which is located in a picturesque location. This is the second time our match was being held in the location.
The Annual General Meeting was also held on this day and elected the officials for the upcoming year 2013. Nalin Abeykoon was elected as the President while Chandima Abesinghe and Anjula De Silva were elected as secretary and treasure respectively.

The Participants

Let's find who is lucky

Team selection

Let's start

The very first ball by skipper of Team B (Did somebody say the action was a bit odd? .. Nevermind)

Do I see a puppy behind the stump

Next in line

"Hero of the day" .. Abe in full swing

Hulang, the long haired giant fielder at the boundary

Milliseconds before the disaster .. Ruwan is about to be balled out ..

Another ball is being hit by Abe for SIX

Narrow escape

It was this long .. Buzz mentioning about the length of his new LED television

The umpire's thoughts .. Real NIKE or fake .. I am not sure yet
- The Annual General Meeting -

Abeykoon the former secretary addressing the AGM

The new officials

The members